Quiet Hearts

The name of this blog is taken from the Hymn "Lord, I Would Follow Thee"

When I run errands I look around and wonder about the heartache in the hearts of the people that pass me by.  I know I am not the only one who carries sorrow in my quiet heart.  I sincerely hope this experience will help me to be more loving, more kind, more patient, and more like the Savior.

Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee—
Lord, I would follow thee.

Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.

Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.

I would be my brother’s keeper;
I would learn the healer’s art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother’s keeper—

Lord, I would follow thee.

Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother—

Lord, I would follow thee.